Welcome to


Lion's Den

I help men and women build stronger, healthier bodies and give them the tools to become the best version of themselves


Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Sport Nutrition
Certified Powerlifting Coach
Certified Bodybuilding Coach
Certified Reverse Diet Specialist 
Fascia Stretch Practitioner Level 1
10x WRPF National Record Breaking Powerlifter 
UFE-Women’s Physique PRO
Featured in Muscle and Fitness Hers Magazine

You are unique, both physically and in your life circumstances. Sustainable fitness and nutrition plans need to be made to fit in with your unique body and life. 
I understand!
Not only am I a trainer and coach, published fitness
model, Pro bodybuilder in 2 natural federations, and a national record
breaking powerlifter,  I’m also a business owner, and a mother of 3. Being in my 40’s,  I’ve experienced many of the ups and downs of life, and the challenges of staying healthy and fit with a busy family and work life. 
I’m here to help you, not ONLY to reach your goals, but ALSO to equip you with the knowledge of how to keep your results for life. I’m also here to keep you accountable, and cheer you on through all the ups and downs!
Motivating you to be the healthiest, strongest version of yourself is what I love to do. I find great joy in seeing you realize their own strength and potential.
I offer general health and fitness, weight loss, body re-composition, and muscle and strength building, done in a healthy, sustainable way.
I also specialize as a bodybuilding prep and powerlifting coaching.

If you want to train with me, take a look through my packages or get in contact with me if you have any other questions

A training and nutrition package all in one! Done online, through my custom app.

Exercise with your own equipment from the comfort of home or in your preferred gym. (you will need access to heavier weights)

Programming is 100% customized to suit your time restrictions, equipment availability, exercise preferences, and fitness goals.

The nutrition plan is made with your food preferences and goals in mind.

My continued support through this plan will equip you with the knowledge of what you are doing and why, giving you the tools to take control over your own food choices, and maintain your results and healthy habits for life.

Looking to enhance your mobility and overall wellbeing? Discover the transformative relief of Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) at The Lion’s Den in Fergus. This gentle approach targets deep connective tissue, promoting relaxation, improved circulation, and pain reduction. Book your session with Tamara Ekema for a revitalizing experience.

Want to be more specific in your goals? Have plans to compete?
All your athlete needs in one monthly package.

Need help making sustainable nutrition changes, but don’t need the
training plan?
Nutrition coaching for your goals includes a meal plan, check ins,
ongoing support, and more.

A training and nutrition package all in one!

Remote Coaching

3 Month Cycles for $600
Best Value!

Remote coaching is training and nutrition programming done online, through my custom app.

Exercise with your own equipment from the comfort of home (you will need access to heavier weights) or in your preferred gym. 

Programming is 100% customized to suit your time restrictions, equipment availability, exercise preferences, and fitness goals.

The nutrition plan is made with your food preferences and goals in mind.

My continued support through this plan will equip you with the knowledge of what you are doing and why, giving you the tools to take control over your own food choices, and maintain your results and healthy habits for life.

Fascial Stretch Therapy

$150 / 1.5 Hour for Initial Assessment
$110 / hour follow up
$90 / 45 min follow up

Looking to enhance your mobility and overall wellbeing? Discover the transformative relief of Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) at The Lion’s Den in Fergus. This gentle approach targets deep connective tissue, promoting relaxation, improved circulation, and pain reduction. Book your session with Tamara Ekema for a revitalizing experience.


Bodybuilding Competition Prep / Powerlifting Comprehensive Coaching

$200 Monthly

Want to be more specific in your goals? Have plans to compete?
All your athlete needs in one monthly package.

Nutrition Coaching

$150 Monthly

Need help making sustainable nutrition changes, but don’t need the training plan?
Nutrition coaching for your goals includes a meal plan, check ins,
ongoing support, and more.

Free Email Consultation

references available upon request

Client Reviews